Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hace tiempo que no meto canción alguna, así que aquí dejo la letra de la temporada (digo, mi temporada), porque el título se adecua perfectamente a cierta persona que ya no está, y la canción pertenece a "yes Virginia", disco de The DResden Dolls, que marcó mi vida y que me acompañó en las malas muchas veces, así que de Amanda Palmer para el mundo, Backstabber:


the record goes from blue to gold
so thank you for all your help
I know you want to jump around
but try to contain yourself
you always struck me as the type to take it lightly
but now you’re gonna have to shut your mouth or fight me…

backstabber, backstabber….

you’re all alone you’re all over
the popular magazines will never care what do you care
you’re down with the japanese
but you’ve got no right to sit there saying I abuse it
when you only sleep with girls who say they like your music

backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber

backstabber! hope grabber!
greedy little fit haver!
god, I feel for you, fool…..
shit lover! off brusher!
jaded bitter joy crusher!
failure has made you so cruel….

rotten to the core
rotten to the core

rotten like a crackwhore
backing out out the backdoor
show us what you’re good for
stick it to the noise board
come on join the bloodsport
show us some support, still
working at the drugstore
is it because you’re A FUCKING

backstabber! hope grabber!
greedy little fit haver!
god, I feel for you, fool…..
shit lover! off brusher!
jaded bitter joy crusher!
failure has made you so cruel….

so don’t tell me what to write
and don’t tell me that I’m wrong……
and don’t tell me not to reference my songs

within my songs so here we go the open road
is covered with taco stands
and you can stop we’ll drop you off
and write to you when we land

backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber! backstabber!backstabber! hope grabber!greedy fucking fit haver! BACKSTABBER!

1 comment:

Zeleste said...

Hola, hace como una semana que paso por aquí y leo la misma canción. No es que no me haya gustado. Pero no suelo tener "esos" sentimientos.
Bueno, la leí y la releí. También busqué algunas traducciones. La escuhé.
Y después de siete días vengo a comentar:
Me gustó la canción.Y creo que hoy me siento con ánimos para cantarla.
Nos vemos, espero.